

Page    Chapter

16        Mental Alertness and the Competitive Edge

20        Infield Play

20            Fielding Ground Balls

21            Glove Position

22            Pop Flies

22            Sun and Wind

27            The Mental Aspect

29        First Baseman

29            Footwork at First, a Lost Art

29            Fielding Position

30            Holding a Runner on First

31            Ground Ball to Third Baseman

32            Ground Ball to Shortstop

33            Ground Ball to Second Baseman

34            Footwork Summary

36            High Throws

37            Throws from the Catcher

37            Pickoff Plays by the Catcher

38            Double-Plays

39            Foul Pop Flies

40            Handling Low Throws

41            Fielding Bunts

42            Cutoff Responsibilities

43            Footwork at First When Runners Are on Second,

                Third, or Both

46        Second Baseman

46            Fielding Position

49            Double-Plays

50            Covering the Base on Steal Attempts

51            Cutoff Plays

54        Shortstop

54            Infield Positioning

55            Read the Hitter’s Swing

55            Fielding Ground Balls

56            Double-Plays

58            Cutoff and Relay Responsibilities

59            Throwing to First, Home, or Making a Relay

60            Sacrifice Bunts

61            Pickoff Plays

61            Shortstop Leadership

63        Third Baseman

64            Quick Reflexes, Great Hand/Eye    Coordination, Quick First Two Steps

65            Quick Glove and Willingness to Get Your Uniform Dirty

65            Bunt Situation

66            Communication

66            Pop Flies

67            Hitting

68            Covering Third Base on a Tag Play

68            Conclusion

70        Catcher

71            Body Position Behind Home Plate

72            Throwing

74            Pickoff Plays

74            Reading the Hitter

76            Quarterbacking the Game

80            Hidden Passed-Ball Act

86        Pitcher

89            Windup

90            Push-Off

91            Arm Slot

92            Grip on the Ball

92                Fast Ball

93                Curve Ball

94                Finger-Pressure Breaking Pitches

94                Changeup

94                Knuckle Curve

96            Release Point

96            Landing Zone

97            Follow-Through

97            Fielding Position

97            Pitching From the Stretch

99            Covering First Base

100          Covering Home Plate

101          Backing Up Third and Home

101          Defensive Plays

102          Game Day

105        Base Runner Rundowns and Pickoff Plays

105            Rundowns

107            Pickoff Plays

107                First Baseman

108                Second Baseman

110                Third Baseman

110                Pitcher

110                Bunt Situation

112        Outfield Play

112            Center field

113            Right Field

114            Left Field

115            Outfield Positioning

117            Warm-Up and Infield/Outfield Practice

118            Backing Up Plays

122        Hitting

122            Pitching Changes in the Past Decade

126            Major Components of My Hitting Philosophy

127            Bat Position

129            The Swing

130            Follow the Ball into the Catcher’s Mitt

136            Hold the Bat in Your Fingers

137            Head and Eyes on the Ball

138            Choose Your Stance

138            Keep Your Stride Short

139            Keep Your Front Shoulder and Hip Closed

141            Roll Your Wrists During the Swing

142            Hit the First Good Pitch You See

143            Killer Instinct

143            Strengthen Your Forearms

143            Hitting to the Opposite Field

143            Hitting Against a Shift Defense

144            Hitting a Knuckleball

146            Bat Positions That Doom You to Failure

147            On-Deck Circle

149        The Art of Bunting

149            Sacrifice Bunts

151            Sacrifice Bunt Mistakes

152            Bunting For a Base Hit

155        Base Running

155            Running and Sliding

157            Tagging the Base

159            Leading Off First Base

162            Leading Off Second Base

163            Leading Off Third Base

165            Strategic Issues for Coaches

166        Stealing Bases

167            Stealing Second Base

169            Stealing Third Base

170            Stealing Home

171        Sliding

171            Hook-Slide

172            Head-First Slide

172            Straight-In Slide

172            Pop-Up Slide

175        Strength and Conditioning

175            Plyometrics

177            Why Pitchers are Throwing Harder

177            Improve Your Own Velocity

179        Epilogue

180            My Feeling

181        Acknowledgments



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