My objective in writing this book was to provide the basic drills for young coaches to teach the fundamentals of the game to young players all in one book. Also recognizing the limited time and practice sessions that a coach has for teaching skills. You cannot have 10 drills for every position and skill set, you simply do not have that much time and practice sessions to teach 50—100 different drills. My objective was to narrow the drills down to the key fundamental drills for each position and skill set that in turn have the biggest impact on games outcomes.

Included in this book, in the first chapter, is Little Things Analytics which explains the mathematical impact on the outcome of a game that is related to misplays. This chapter defines what is a misplay and mathematically calibrates the odds of winning or losing a game. Yes, you need defense, hitting and pitching to win but the issue that is most in your control is teaching the basics to avoid costly misplays by playing mentally alert and making the correct fundamental play as a reaction. If players have to stop and think about where should I throw the ball, it’s too late they have missed the play. You see many games lost because of fundamental mistakes, yes, even in the major leagues.

The saying  ”the teams that do the little things best win the games” is true. The underlying mathematics is nothing more than Las Vegas odds which built a huge city. You will never have a championship team that does not do the little things well. If you teach the drills in this book your team will be highly competitive and will be less likely to give the game away via a misplay. Take advantage of other teams’ misplays and “cash” them in when the opportunity presents itself. Teach your teams the RIGHT WAY to play the game by using the drills in this book, Keep it fun, but remember, it is a lot more fun to win then to loose. Teach them—not to follow their dreams but to chase their dreams.  Available on



Little Things Win Big Games

Baseball Fundamentals and Fine Points


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